I am about at the 'rip my hair out' point. I just want to make ONE pair of freakin socks! I bought 2 skeins of Deborah Norville sock yarn to make a PAIR of sock just for me. I had did one sock with some yarn I had got in Ohio but did not have enought o make two, AND it was tooo long for my foot. So yesterday I start my toe-up, short row heel sock using Deborah Norville yarn..toe...knit...knit...knit...knit...heel..knit..knit...try on
It huuuuge! Right length this time but is liek 5 times to big around, very loose knitting. I know i knit loosly, but not THIS loose. WTF!! I continues to knit to make a swatch. I had begun the sock with size 3 and i swatch all the way down to 0. Still no big difference in looseness. I think this yarn is loose itself. The other sock from the yarn in ohio was perfectly knit, just wrong size
Sigh* So i have brought out my hank of Cascades Heritage sock yarn I got in Austin.
Dear Yarn/knitting Gods,
Please please please please let me get a decent gauge, Please let it not be to loose, and work for a sock. Please shine you love upon this adventure to make a pair of socks. I have been so good, and have had patience and perseverance, but its startign to wear thin. O please let this pair work!